ElCorteIngles Perfumes Scraper Detail

Categories: e-commerce


Unveil the world of premium fragrances effortlessly. Our El Corte Inglés Perfumes Scraper extracts vital product details including name, brand, category, and various price points, ensuring you have all the necessary information to make informed choices about your scent collections.

Request Example

time curl -X POST "https://api.blat.ai/harvest" \
--json '{
"mode": "crawl",




"params": {




time curl -X POST "https://api.blat.ai/harvest" \
--json '{
"mode": "crawl",




"params": {




Output Example

    "product_information": {
        "name": "Perfume Acqua di Gi\u00f2 Profondo Parfum para Hombres Giorgio Armani",
        "brand": "Giorgio Armani"
    "price": "84",
    "old_price": "140",
    "currency": "\u20ac"