Vehicle Scraper Detail

Categories: e-commerce


Discover detailed vehicle information seamlessly with Vehicle Scraper. Extract vital data such as price, model, advertiser details, technical specifications, and images of the car, all designed to aid in your car browsing experience.

Request Example

time curl -X POST "" \
--json '{
"mode": "crawl",




"params": {




time curl -X POST "" \
--json '{
"mode": "crawl",




"params": {




Output Example

    "price": "19.500 \u20ac",
    "model": "NISSAN QASHQAI DIGT 103 kW 140 CV E6D NCONNECTA 5p.",
    "advertiserDetails": {
        "name": "RENOVE.ES",
        "address": "Coraz\u00f3n De Maria 23, 28002 Madrid Capital",
        "website": "",
        "ratings": "3.5"
    "technicalSpecifications": {
        "fuelTankCapacity": "55 litros",
        "dimensions": "4394 x 1806 x 1590mm",
        "trunkVolume": "430 litros",
        "acceleration": "10.5 segundos",
        "topSpeed": "193 km/h",
        "weight": "1300 kg con conductor",
        "urbanConsumption": "6.7 L / 100km",
        "extraUrbanConsumption": "4.7 L / 100km",
        "averageConsumption": "5.3 L / 100km"
    "imagesAndGallery": {
        "mainImage": ""